Raphael's School Of Athens Essay

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1. What is the subject of the painting?
The main subject of this painting is the gathering of leading ancient Greek philosophers.

2. Describe the setting portrayed in Raphael’s School of Athens.
The setting seems to be a large open room, perhaps an opera or a government/religious building. In the wall is carved many different gods, which could suggest that this room took a long time to finish. The general setting has many high arches and bands across the room.

3. Characterize the appearance and actions of the figures in the fresco. How are they arranged around Plato and Aristotle?
The appearance of the other figures in the fresco is very similar to the main two, as they are all dressed up nice and properly. The figures all seem to be reading
In the painting, Plato is pointing upward and Aristotle is pointing downward. Plato points upward to confirm his commitment to a theory of ideas. Why do you think Aristotle points downward?
Aristotle points downward as to show his beliefs. Aristotle studied more about biology and the natural species, which is also the earth. Maybe he pointed downward as a way to say that the Earth is more important.

5. On the left side of the painting is a statue of Apollo. On the right side of the painting is a statue of Athena. Why do you think Raphael included these two statues in the scene?
I think that Raphael included these two statues in the scene to show how Gods and Goddesses were still important to people, even though the figures shown do not believe in a higher spirit.

6. Socrates is at the left of the painting, counting out points on his figures to a group of younger men. At the right, bending over a geometric diagram is Euclid. Below him Ptolemy, also a Greek but of a later time, holds a globe. Why do you think Raphael included these men?
I believe these men were included to show the importance of travel, math, and art. Art is shown by the man painting, mathematics is shown by the man holding the geometrical diagram, and travel/history is shown by a man holding a

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