Rape Culture On College Campuses

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As more students begin to move on campus, there are fewer measures being taken place to protect students from becoming victims of forcible rape and sexual assault. Additionally, finding a way to lessen the amount of student victims is one of the major reasons why it is necessary to find a solution. This term paper highlights several important issues our nation faces in rape culture, the harmful affects of sexual assault has on students and their health, and the amount of colleges subjected to high numbers of victims, and proposes a solution on how these problems can be corrected with informing students of criminal knowledge of sexual assault crimes, reiterating to students the importance of never going to places by their selves, offering victim aid, and finding optimal ways to reduce the rape culture on college campuses. …show more content…

Since the last few decades, rape and sexual assault have been one of the most underreported crimes in the country due to fear, embarrassment, and self blame of the victim. According to RANINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network), “someone is assaulted every 2 minutes in the U.S., but 68% of those sexual assaults are not reported to the police” (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, 2014). From these statistics it is clear that there is an increase in the number of victims that are less likely to report being sexually assaulted in the United States. As a result more attention is needed for these victims due to sufficient evidence. Therefore, it is important to find ways to solve this problem on college campuses through informing students of the danger and attempting to offer solutions for future students such as better campus security and victim

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