Rant Monologue

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You know what, I'm going to be so fucking petty about this, I'm officially going to post this on my page: - Let's start off with this, I'm so fucking done feeling guilty as shit about me snapping at Finn in the first place while he goes off being petty as shit and not being a fucking adult about this situation. I find it so unfair for me to feel guilty about something I shouldn't even apologize for, when HE was the one who fucking started it. - I simply posted a small rant on my story about couples and sometimes how annoying(like the vine) it can be but it WASN'T directed to ANYONE at all, but this fucker comes in thinking it is and so he decides to post about it, being very petty and a bitch TOWARDS me instead of coming to me and asking if it is. - HE IS THE ONE WHO STARTED THIS SHIT WITH ME, NOT ME, HIM! JUST BECAUSE KAIDEN IS MY EX DOESN'T MEAN I'M FUCKING GOING TO HATE ON YOUR GUY'S RELATIONSHIP AND BE ALL JEALOUS. I'M NOT LIKE THAT, SORRY TO SAY THAT SWEETIE AND TO ADD A CHERRY ON TOP, I'M OVER KAIDEN. - …show more content…

Bitch what second chance?! You never spoke to me bitch, you didn't even give me a chance. I've tried to be nice to him but instead ignores me and contuined to be a petty little bitch. To be fair I snapped at his ass out of self defence and show I'm not one to be messed with, he can't go around picking down his partners friends off, thinking it's

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