Ransley Mascurine: A Case Study

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Thank you for referring Ransley Mascurine, a 55 year-old gentleman who currently works as a counsellor and is also an avid body builder. Ransley is a non-smoker and of late, has been consuming alcohol two to three standard drinks each evening. The only regular medication is Lipitor.

Concerning his sleep, Ransley generally retires to bed between 10.30 and 11.00pm with short sleep onset latency. There is a history of snoring and witnessed aponeas. He describes fragmented sleep, but significant sleep maintenance insomnia. There is infrequent nocturia and no significant restless legs symptoms. When he wakes at around 4.30am, he often feels initially refreshed, but within a couple of hours will start to become somnolent and will often nap for half an hour between 1.00 and 3.00pm.

Ransley reports frequent nasal congestion that has been more problematic in the last couple of weeks and I note you have commenced him on some oral antibiotics and prednisolone which seems to be helping.

For the last couple of years his weight has been stable around 82kg.

Examination revealed an oxygen saturation of 98% and blood pressure of 145/90. Oropharyngeal inspection revealed significant crowding (Mallampati class 3) with macroglossia. Chest auscultation was clear and two heart sounds were audible with nil else.

Assessment: …show more content…

I have outlined to him the pathophysiology of the disorder and treatment options that are available. He will now proceed to a diagnostic sleep study. He has previously had microsleeps when driving a couple of years ago, but has put in place precautions since and has not had any issues of late. It is imperative that he continues to take very strict precautions when driving. He will also need to look at trying to increase his sleep hour

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