Raising A Child Essay

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Thesis statement: The different aspects of gender roles varies when it comes to raising a child; there are the physical and emotional attributes, society’s expectations, the governmental aid given to males versus females, single parenting, co-parenting, how parenting differs with the gender of the child, and the outcome of the child based on how they were raised. Raising a child can be a very demanding job, for some it is a full-time job. It can be very stressful raising a child, there are many different aspects in doing so. A parent would not only want their child to be smart and successful, and they(they would) also want them to be happy. Happiness is a very important component of a child’s life and can potentially have an effect on their future. Happiness not only can affect a child’s education but as well as their health, there are many different ways to raise a child and many different people have their own opinions on the subject. CIATAION. One that wants to raise a child well has to let the child to bond not only with the mother but bond with the father as well, it is important to have good relationships …show more content…

Many people who get divorced have children, and they too have to go through the divorce. The key to co-parenting is to focus on your children, and your children only. (Block 2016). Splitting up can be a very tricky thing for children, it can break some of their little hearts. It is important for parents to do what is best for the child and try to work together. Sometimes that can be hard, but it has to be done because it is in the best interest for the child. The child would need to maintain a healthy and happy relationship with both parents. It is typical for the child to live with the mother, and then visit the father. It is important to make sure the child is able to go to both homes and build strong a relationship with the mother and the

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