Railyard Workers During The Holocaust

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During the Holocaust in the mid-20th century, millions of Jews lost their lives for the simple reason; they were Jewish. These Jews were forced into concentration camps and ghettos, where they were persecuted by the Germans. Many Jews were also made to transport to these places in tightly packed trains, employed by everyday Germans. The employees of the German railway network were perpetrators because they knew that they were taking the Jews to their deaths, and even though some may have felt bad about it, they still did not speak up or try to save the Jews.
The Germans employees in the railway system definitely knew that they were taking the Jews to their deaths, even if they had not been specifically told so. One man who was a German railway …show more content…

One of the Reichsbahn Railyard workers in the Auschwitz Railyards explains a terrible incident when cleaning out the rail cars and says, “A blackened corpse fell out. The car was still filled with the deportees who had died on the train” (Barthelmass). The fact that people died on these trains show that the employees did not treat them well. This shows how badly these Jewish deportees were treated on the trains, whether the workers knew that they died or not. Another instance that shows how badly the German workers treated the Jews is shown by a locomotive engineer from the Treblinka Death Camp, Henrik Gawkowski. This man states, “Since the locomotive was next to the cars, I could hear their screams, asking for water. The screams from the cars closest to the locomotive could be heard very well” (Gawkowski). He then goes on to say that he drank liquor to drown out these screams. This classifies the German workers as perpetrators because they did nothing to help the Jews. They knew that the Jews were dying, and they know how to help them, by giving them water, yet they still did nothing to help them. The Jews died in the trains on these workers’ watches. The fact is that the German railway workers knew that the Jews on the trains were in pain and dying, yet they did nothing to help them, so these workers can clearly be classified as perpetrators and not just

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