Racism In Australia Essay

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Racism is defined as a belief that inherent differences among the various human racial groups that determine the cultural or individual achievements. Prejudice or discrimination or even antagonism directed against the Aborigines always can be seen in Australia. Since then, Australia has been rated “One of the most racist” country besides America in the world, especially to the locals, the Aborigines. This report is going to critically analyse this research which is done by David Mellor, and also to outline the methodologies and samples that are used in this research, also the other racism issues Australia.
The Research Racism is pervasive in Australia. The purpose of David Mellor undergoes this research is to investigate the phenomenon of racism on the Aborigines in Australia. The Koori people in New South Wales and Victoria are the main consults of this research. This research is completed by David Mellor using qualitative method. Qualitative research means primarily exploratory research by collecting samples of data from a group of Koori, approximately 40 people (age of the participants ranged from 18 to 58 years old), who had experienced racism. It helps to gain an understanding on the reasons and opinions on racism.
The participants are also recruited by the snowball sampling. Snowball …show more content…

The research clearly showed how the Aborigines got racism in their life without doing anything. This reflects how the white communities in Australia strongly discriminant the Aborigines. The research is also clearly showed how the Aborigines get different categories of racism. For instance, there are 4 stages of racism derived from the data is verbal racism. First is the verbal racism, then behaviour racism, discriminations and lastly it goes to macro-level racism. The researcher also divided the categories of racism into subtopics which can articulate how Aborigines experienced

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