Racism Argumentative Essay

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There is the one thing I wish could come to an end, but is far from it is Racism. Over time racism has evolved into something we’ve accepted in a way. We live with the fact that some people will not like someone due to skin Color, Black/White/Hispanic/etc. Race is the centerpiece no one is able to admit. People are discriminating and killing each other over something as small and minor as someone’s Ethnic background. Not just white people are racist, they can be on the recieving end of racism. Certain Black people will mention how racism is horrible in every way and how we should rise as blacks, yet they mean mug a white man walking by and tell a whole story of how they can’t stand white people cause of slavery. Racism defined is discriminating someone just because of their skin, So if you hate blacks because their black or you hate the fact he’s white you may be a racist. …show more content…

I hope someone with major sacks finally man up and does something. The thing is i’m aware of all of the anti-racism squads so you probably think ‘what does he mean’ i’d want someone with a name in congress/government/Even judicial branches so we can have a legit backbone. Racism is a black kid fights a white kid in the cafeteria in lunch because this white kid spit in his face, A white “COP” or officer of the law for the intricate breaks it up by moving the white kid out the way and slamming the black kid on his neck saying “he was unstable”. You don’t see any racism on display yet? If not then note the fact the Black guy got Suspended for two weeks and the white kid is in lunch detention. If that isn’t Racist then tell me what it is, the last thing they’ll let us do is try to question it so they they will leave us puzzled when you at home trying to stomach

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