Racine's Phaedra

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In using evidence from the play Racine's Phaedra, clearly exhibits the stereotype woman as a destructive force in nature, known as a femme fatale. Phaedra is a good example of men toward woman in the Age of Reason and political Absoulutism, where men exhibit the logic, strength, and order while woman exhibit their weakness, emotions, and disorder. Therefore, without a doubt the fact that Phaedra tends to have an effect on everyone that is involved around with her charm.

Racine, is a well known classical tragedy writer of the French. He used biblical and classical models with literature to make much of his works. With Phaedra, being the head character of the play, one must understand with illustrating her passion over rational thinking especially when she chooses in restoring a sensation for love, uncovering a suffering overt, and refusing the lie her life had appeared. Although with passion being that strict emotion of forceful action, one must see that it is a profoundly inspiring play. However, Phaedra replenishes her volatile sensation for desire, in choosing to live. With an...

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