Racial Profiling Research Paper

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The United States consists of injustices. There have been great leaders in the past who have had outstanding ideas on how to stop, address corruption, and force society to approach the problem. A situation that has reoccurred in the U.S is racial profiling. Racial profiling is a serious issue among the community and effects many people. Racial profiling should be addressed for the sake of other races, middle class, lower class, and those of different religion. It is necessary for the problems and conflicts to be dealt with. The citizens of the U.S have made the U.S their home, and yet they have been judged by characteristics, and have been labeled by their neighbors. A lot of the people who live in the community have been pulled over, shot, and killed by the police department, and the duty of the police officers have been tainted. The minority and others have lost children, parents, and friends by the hands of the police officers, and those of the police officers who have taken lives, do not always get a case against them. One of the several …show more content…

He would use the four basic steps for any nonviolent campaign. King said,” In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices are alive, negotiation, self-purification, and direct action. There can be no gainsaying of the fact that racial injustice engulfs this community.” Even King sought that racial injustice would take over the community and cause major problems. Using a nonviolent campaign pushed the protest. Nonviolent campaign is like a push toward recognition. Once recognized, anything that is brought to the table can be fixed or addressed. A nonviolent campaign is the perfect solution for any situation that is being ignored. Martin Luther King Jr had ideas on how corruption can be handled. The four basic steps should be used against racial

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