Racial Discrimination In Health Care Essay

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What is Discrimination?

Discrimination or the act for recognizing the differences between two things is a useful tool in adaptation, like when distinguishing a poisonous frog from a harmless one. In this vein, it is a point survival. It is however, more commoning understood as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. Further, one of the distinct features of discrimination in this understanding is the emphasis placed on how one’s status and social capital is affected by the act,. In this brief, the construct of discrimination will be defined as that referring to racial discrimination.

Does discrimination affect the patient-Physician relationship and how? …show more content…

Racial discrimination in health care can drastically affect the wellness of those experiencing it. As outlined before, it can create adverse communication styles and dominating relationships within this relationship. Another implication is the overall wellness opportunities of those experiencing these health inequities is overall wellness. patients experiencing the effects of discrimination may not have access to appropriate treatment, screening test, diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic services; all of which could lead to disparaging health outcomes.

What is being done?
Many institutions have begun to develop trainings within both their academic and staffing, many professional development curriculums around bias and cultural awareness. These curriculum are great forums to develop a comprehensive understanding of ways in which the providers unconscious bias can show up in their delivery of services and also works to develop their cultural competency.

This distrust predicted lower levels of adherence to the physician’s recommendations,39 a finding consistent with other evidence that patients’ perceptions of being judged, negatively perceived, stigmatized or discriminated against predict adherence40–44 and their likelihood of seeking follow-up or preventive

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