Racial And Cultural Socialization Report

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Racial and Cultural socialization are proving to be a current discussion topic that minority parents have to prepare their children for. While there is not enough data to analyze every single minority group separately, when analyzed together distinctions can be interpreted among ethnicities with darker skin complexations. Stereotypes can be contributed through an intersection of gender, race and social class but only those finding themselves discriminated against will be able to recognize that we live in a society where light skin ethnic individuals benefit from white privileges where as those who are dark skin individuals suffer the cruelties enforced by others.
Each article analyzed built upon the concept of racial socialization at different phase of life ranging from childhood to college undergraduate years. The first article by Hughes discussed a macro perspective of racial socialization based on diverse ethnic groups but when findings …show more content…

Article #1 essentially sought out to examine whether it was African American parents or Hispanic/Latino parents who found themselves more prone to shielding their school-age children from the actions and words of others towards them. The question should have never been who was discussing it more frequently, the issue at hand should have been why is it that the we are evening having to socialize our children in a way that does nothing but improve the white privilege culture. By applying the academic element we are able to see a correlation presented by parental experiences and the involvement in their children’s academics. Everything is connected in one way or

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