Race Is Plastic Essay

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Ian F. Haney Lopez believed that the concept of race was artificially created by people to give misconceptions on the meaning behind a person’s race. Throughout history, race has been used by people to categorize others and treat them based on where they stand in that categorizat- ion. For example, in the 1700s if a non-slave would see a black person without chains they wou- ld assume that black person is a slave with or without chains because of the racial quo at the t- ime. But even when slavery ended in 1865, the view of an African-American would change from slaves into poor, weak minded, weak willed, and etc. This shows that not only is race just a social construct created by people to put meaning behind whites and non-whites, …show more content…

Plastic is not something that can grow, live, or die. It is artificially created by pe- ople to be changed and used that best fits the one in control of the plastic. When Lopez uses the term “race is plastic” he means that the people in the society created race, so it can best suit them and they can change it so it can continuously keep giving them advantages over people of differ- ent characteristics. But, race is not set in stone nor a universal law. It is created and changed by people. For example, the case of Hudgins v. Wright, three woman wanted to prove they were not black, so they could be free citizens. The ruling was based on the statement,” The fate of the wo- men rode upon the complexion of their face, the texture of their hair, and the width of their nos-
e.”(Lopez,192) Since one of the woman had long hair and not “wooly head of hair.” They were ruled to be free. So, at the time of the case it has been set that if you do not have the character- stics of an black person, than you are not black. Focusing purely on the physical …show more content…

He did meet the criteria for citi- zenship, but the plastic were changing once again. They ruled in this case that to be considered white you must now have the ancestry. From these two examples you can clearly see how soci- ety changes the plastic of race to best suit the society and their ideals. Racial fabrication is stated by Lopez,” Fabrication implies the working of human hands, and suggest the possible intention to deceive.”(Lopez, 196) Meaning that when a human is using fabrication, humans are creating the meaning behind something, and may deceive others to think that meaning is correct. For example, if I would tell a person that to a dance your suppo- sed to wear nothing to show how courageous you are in social gatherings. He tells others the same thing I told him. So, when he got to the party everybody else were naked. No one felt weird or indifferent, but when they saw me walk in formally dressed. They isolated me and laughed at the fact I had clothes on. They did not realize how they have been deceived, but would ridicule the one person who is in the right. If you want the example to be very closely related to

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