Rabies Virus Research Paper

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Amber Klinkhammer 1014526 “Dog Bit by Rabid Skunk in North Fargo” A dog was bit by a skunk last Wednesday night in a North Fargo neighborhood. This skunk was sent in for testing and results came back positive for the Rabies Virus. Luckily the dog that was bit by the infected skunk was vaccinated, but is still being watched for signs and symptoms of the disease. The Rabies Virus is dangerous because it causes a disease of the brain, this disease can even cause death (“Rabies,” 2013). The early symptoms of Rabies are very similar to the flue and include, but are not limited to nausea, headache, vomiting, and fever. If you are bit by an animal you should seek immediate medical attention, your doctor will then decide if treatment to prevent Rabies is …show more content…

It is important that you seek treatment if you suspect you have been bit by an animal because there is no treatment for Rabies, after the onset of disease. There is also only one way to diagnose the disease in animals which involves sending the brain in for testing (“Rabies in Dogs”, n.d.). This obviously involves euthanizing the suspected animal. One way to prevent your beloved pets from meeting this fate is to have them vaccinated. Vaccines are a great way to keep your pets safe and vaccinated animals face a minimal chance of contracting the disease (“Rabies in Dogs”, n.d). With all this being said it is important that families in the Fargo-Moorhead area keep an eye out for strange animals, exhibiting symptoms. Families should also watch their pets carefully for any signs or symptoms of Rabies as it is impossible to know how many pets the infected skunk may have come into contact with. It is also important to keep an eye on young children and supervise them at all times when they are outside so they do not try to pet or contact a strange animal, or an animal exhibiting signs or symptoms of Rabies. It is of the utmost importance

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