R.S Thomas Treatment of the Theme Of Old Age In His Poems Lore And

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R.S Thomas Treatment of the Theme Of Old Age In His Poems Lore And

An Old Man

R.S Thomas was an Anglican minister who was born in 1913 and died in

1965. He ministered in remote parishes in the welsh hillsides amongst

hill farmers. The bleak Welsh landscape and the harsh life of the

farmers who were his parishioners provided an inspiration for much of

his finest poetry. R.S Thomas taught himself the Welsh language in

order to understand the hill farmers. Much of his poetry describes

their lives in an unsentimental but he does show compassion and

understanding for the hard working individuals and the harshness of

the conditions they had to endure.

Throughout these two poems there are a lot of similarities. The main

similarity is that the two poems are both about old men who have had a

tough and hard life. Another similarity is that they are in the stage

of winter of their lives, meaning that they are in their last stages.

We find this as Job Davies is eighty five years old and the old man is

having ‘tears on his cheek which are the last glitter on bare branches

of the long storm’ which in other words means his life is nearly

over. Another similarity is the setting of these two poems; they are

both in the season of winter and winter is the hardest time for the

Old Man and for Job Davies. The elements that winter brings in the

poem ‘Lore’ are rain and wind and in the poem ‘An Old Man’ are the wet

roads and treacherous ice.

The differences between the two poems are in the physical appearances

of Job Davies and the Old Man. We see Job Davies as a tall, strong

man, we know this as it says ‘kept this tall frame’ meaning that he is

supple and agile. But we see the Old Man as quite the opposite, we

see him...

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... to realize that old age

is not always miserable.

The last verse of the poem ‘An Old Man’ is about the poet asking that

the pain of death came to the Old Man as softly as possible so that

the pain can be as ineffective as the sun does in winter. The last

verse in the poem ‘Lore’ tells us to leave the machine behind and stay

as close to nature as possible and also advises us to live life to the

full but do not have unrealistic dreams.

To conclude, I found that these two poems were very interesting and

that the language and style that the poet used really helped the

poems. My favorite poem was ‘Lore’, I thought Job Davies outlook on

life was fantastic and also the way he told us to forget the machine

and stick close to nature was good advice. I felt sorry for the Old

Man as he went through a lot, but so did Job Davies but he overcame

it, so can anyone.

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