Quitting Research Paper

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Richie Britton LS300-02 Sept-15-17 The Next Phase If someone constantly quits throughout their life how do you know this time is any different? My life has a common theme of quitting. That may seem grim on the surface but I had a positive perspective on my choices. Growing up in a low income environment, Vallejo California still presented myself with many opportunities. My parents never pressured me while growing up but rather gave me the freedom to find the world out for myself. This leads to jumping from one interest to another without the stress of parents not believing you will succeed in your craft. High risk decisions such as dropping out of college became much less scary. Reentering college pits the goals I cut short against my long …show more content…

Most of my old band mates didn't understand why I would quit band and began playing tennis. As a freshman I wanted to get into sports that were more one on one. Band requires a lot of teamwork but scores were based on judges opinions. This incredibly smooth transition to tennis lifted an incredible amount of stress from my old band days. The biggest thing I noticed was that if I didn't see myself doing my craft long term, I could look forward to something new. This concept plays a role that later leads myself to enrolling back into school, but also the reason for quitting tennis my entire senior year. The end of high school was very rough. I didn't walk for my graduation because I put in minimal effort and was expected to take a diploma on a stage as if I worked hard for it. The feeling of unfulfillment becomes a major part in my decision making. After summer my parents sent me to college but never asked what I wanted to do. I didn't truly know either which lead to failing every class. I was not sad in the slightest as I was already eager to drop out of school and move to Los Angeles with my friends. Less than a year later we found success through youtube growing in popularity and could rent out houses we couldn't even imagine. Being financially stable I decided to take a step back from Los Angeles and think about getting my degree. I told people about moving to Japan to start a similar business we did in Los Angeles. The best

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