Kay Boyle's The Life You Save May Be Your Own

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Every human being is entitled to his or her own personal way of life, making that person his or her own individual. The idea of an unbalanced role in life between the sexes is ongoing, and is beautifully described in Kay Boyle's short story, "The Astronomer's Wife." It is here where the author states, in order "to survive women cling to the floating debris on the tide" (59). No longer would the astronomer's wife need to hold on to something to survive, for she has found her identity because of the plumber's clarity and truthfulness, something she has been denied by the astronomer. A similar life lesson, with a much different approach can be examined in Flannery O'Connor’s short story, "The Life You Save May be Your Own," as the story’s main …show more content…

Nonetheless, this sonnet greatly relates, as it wonderfully demonstrates, how individuals can change their perspectives. Knowing what one has or what one is capable of, better enables anyone to identify with oneself. Though Milton’s experience in finding himself does not provide him with a new love or appreciation for another individual, it more importantly offers him love for himself and his God. He learns to appreciate the art of patience and what he still has and uses it to make his existence worth while. Milton experiences a world in which half of his days are spent “in this dark world” (line 2), yet he continues to carry out his poetry writing - the “talent” (3) God has given him. Some people could lose faith or confidence upon losing vision, yet this sonnet teaches every individual to relight the extinguished flames in his or her eyes and discover a new world, one that makes us happy and moral people. Though Milton’s blindness has certainly damaged his “equipment for living” (Burke qtd. in Schilb and Clifford 8), Milton is able to find new equipment from his patience and meaningful desire. Milton says, “They also serve who only stand and wait” (14), meaning by being a patient individual, and accepting what we are given, we will one day be blessed with the ability to see what it is that each and every individual is looking for. Wanting to see and explore is a pivotal part of life, not just so one can carry out a daily routine, but, so one can learn to appreciate one’s many gifts, which each and every human being is entitled to and provided

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