Queer Media Representation

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To begin I would like to state that, as a queer woman who loves to watch TV, and movies, this topic is particularly important to me. Growing up, I always found myself searching for characters I felt connected to and in many cases had to settle for characters that only marginally represented who I am. As Justin Dennis, one Everyday Feminism's contributing writers, says "you don’t have to be queer to identify with a queer character, just as you don’t have to be straight or cisgender to identify with a straight, cisgender character"(Justin Davis 2016), seeing yourself on screen creates a certain kind of acceptance. I think I would have accepted myself sooner if I grew up with watching characters like me. I still struggle to find shows and movies with positive representation and come up with very few options. …show more content…

Despite, how prevalent this trend appears to be there is very little literature about queer media representation, and therefore I decided to write the paper I needed to read. For that reason, I am both the analyst and the analyzed in this paper and use my own reactions and understanding of this phenomenon as one of my theoretical basses. When my social media platforms exploded after the character Lexa was killed on The 100, I saw how many LGBTQ+ people experienced severe physical and emotional consequences and I could not stay quite due to a lack of academic research. This paper is hopefully the just one of the first to highlight how killing queer women on screen does not only affect characters in those stories, but also the

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