Queen Mary of the Scotts

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There have many King and Queens throughout the centuries of the world. Some even still remain today, like Queen Elizabeth of England. Rulers, as some people would call them were seen as a public figure as in some cases even as gods. Some even were considered cruel beyond all belief, one ruler was even nicknamed Bloody Mary because of how cruel she was. The Ruler I’m going to talk about is cousins to that ruler but her name is Queen Mary of the Scotts
“She was the only surviving child of King James V Of Scotland, who died when she was at the age of 6 days old making her fall in line to throne (“Mary I” 1 Britannica).” “At the age of 5 her mother saw it fit to send Mary to France, there she was brought up at the court of King Henry II. “Mary’s education was not neglected, and she was taught Latin, Italian, Spanish, and some Greek. French now became her first language, and indeed in every other way Mary grew into a Frenchwoman rather than a Scot” (“Mary” 2 Britannica). Even though she wasn’t with her Parents and with an Uncle she still got an amazing education. Many times royal families tend to fight against one another in fear the other might still the throne. Queen Mary was a Scott but because of the way she was raised she became a French-woman, which I find interesting. All from how her uncle raised her instead of her mother raising her. “Her remarkable beauty, with her tall, slender figure, her red-gold hair and amber-coloured eyes, and her taste for music and poetry, Mary summed up the contemporary ideal of the Renaissance princess at the time of her marriage to Francis, eldest son of Henry and Catherine, in April 1558. Although it was a political match aimed at the union of France and Scotland, Mary was sincerely ...

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...e Crown. Queen Elizabeth Saw Mary as a dangerous threat to her position so had here on trial. Even though she was the queen of another country she was still trailed by and English court and condemned and later executed in 1587.
Queen Mary of the Scots lived an interesting life starting with her father dying when she was only 6 years old to her execution at the age of 44. Many people can argue about her reign and how she was either unjustified or justified in her actions on how she ran her country. I believe she was an misunderstood women whose family screwed her over and had to suffer the consequences of her families ill actions towards her country. Having her life being raised in France she wasn’t fit to run Scotland as she was brought up with a different outlook of life. This is what led to her downfall and causing her to be executed at the age of 44.

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