Queen Elizabeth I: An Influential Person In England's History

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Queen Elizabeth I was an influential person in England’s history. According to Heather Sharnette, Elizabeth Tudor was born on September 7, 1533 to King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn at Greenwich Place. Elizabeth was supposed to be a boy, as Henry had divorced his former wife Katherine to try and get a son. Sharnette laters describes how Elizabeth was declared illegitimate like her sister Mary when Anne’s marriage to the King was declared void and she was beheaded. Elizabeth eventually reclaimed her right to the throne when Henry decided that even though they were illegitimate they could be reinstated in the succession. Heather Sharnette also described that Elizabeth was second in line, after Mary, who would be the successor to the boy king Edward. …show more content…

Pope Sixtus declared that “She is only a woman… yet she makes herself feared by Spain, by France, by the Empire, by all!” (Weir 399). Many men that admired her tried to court Elizabeth, but they never worked out for reasons such as political conflict or disapproval by the people. Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen, grew in fame in the years to follow according to Alison Weir. The Virgin Queen was praised by Catholics, Kings, and Sultans alike. People, like the Ottoman sultan, made peace on her behalf. Elizabeth grew into the popular figure of “Eliza triumphant” (Weir 399). Elizabeth’s rule lasted for forty-five bountiful years. The day before Elizabeth died, she was unable to speak when she was asked for a successor. Alison Weir shares that the Queen made the symbol for a crown with her hands signifying the King James was to rule England. Elizabeth died on Thursday, March 24 shortly before three in the morning. Thousands of people lined the route of the beloved Queen’s funeral procession. Elizabeth was laid to rest in the Henry VII chapel of the Abbey. A magnificent tomb was built in her honor under James I, her successor's, request. Elizabeth “had given her people peace and stable government” (Weir 487). Queen Elizabeth had a long and successful rule, and she overcame many obstacles to gain her unending

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