Quantitative Article Critique Essay

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Quantitative Article Critique
In order to be able to critique a research article there are certain guidelines to follow. The ethical aspect of the study, the problem statement or purpose statement, the literature review, the study framework, and the hypothesis and research questions of the article must be critiqued. This is done in order to find the strength and limitations to the research. Therefore, determining if it can be used as evidence-based practice. This quantitative research article will be critique using some pre-design guidelines in Foundations of Nursing Research 6th edition by Rose Marie Nieswiadomy (2011). This guideline will help answer questions such as, if the study is ethical? What is the framework? What is the research question? And is the significance to nursing apparent? (Nieswiadomy, 2011).
Ethical Aspects of a Study
In this
It should be apparent that the study was either quantitative or qualitative’ (Nieswiadomy, 2011 Kindle location 2692-2694). The reader can clearly see the purpose statement, “major purpose of this study was to test the effect of the cardiac educational program on the level of knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle among patients with CAD in Jordan” (Tawalbeh, L.I., Ahmad, M.M., 2014, p.246) where the population is mentioned. However, the variables and the type of study is not mentioned in the statement. After reading the paper and noting how they gathered the information using a “one group pretest-posttest study design” (Tawalbeh, L.I., Ahmad, M.M., 2014, p248), and what data analysis was used the reader can determine that the study was a quantitative study. The data for this research was gather as a pretest and then one month after the cardiac education program a posttest was given. Prior to the posttest the participants with CAD were taught

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