Pythagoras Research Paper

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For my research paper I chose to write about Pythagoras. I decided to choose Pythagoras because the Pythagorean theorem is one of the most used formulas in all of math, and I wanted to see who came up with the idea and get a little more information about the subject.
Pythagoras was born in 571 BC in Samos, Greece. He started out as a Greek philosopher and mathematician and is known as the first pure mathematician. Just like Jesus he was said to have many disciples who would follow him around wherever he went, learning from him and his teachings. Pythagoras was a very important figure in mathematics, astronomy, musical theory, and in the world’s history. Pythagoras traveled to an area known today as the southern coast of Italy. The area …show more content…

Many of his accomplishments may have actually been accomplished through his students and disciples that he worked with as a mentor. One of his greatest students was Plato who would later become a very important philosopher in western history.
Neoplatonist’s writers who could provide the most details about his life often told the history of Pythagoras. There were many myths created about Pythagoras such as his father was Apollo, who also happened to be another great philosopher, that he gleamed with sort of a supernatural brightness, that he was born with a golden thigh, that Abaris came to him flying on a golden arrow and that he had been reported being seen in many places at a time. These myths were created because Pythagoras lived so long ago that no one could really tell for sure if these things were true.
In Pythagoras’ family life he was married to Theano and together they had a son, Telauges and three daughters, Damo, Arignote, and Myia, who married Milo of Croton. Milo was said to be a follower of Pythagoras. One of the things that “Pythagoras taught about was that the sun is a moveable sphere in the center of the universe that all other planets circle around”. Most of the people on earth at the time had thought that everything revolved around the earth so to hear otherwise was something that they found foolish and …show more content…

One thing that I found interesting about him is that he lived a very long time ago. I had not realized how long ago he lived until I started to research him. Its amazing that his math formulas have stayed relevant for thousands of years and no one has been able to prove them wrong or has changed them in any way. I also found it interesting that he traveled all over the world in a time when world travel was not easy. He visited many different places such as Greece, Italy, Croton, and Somas. It seems like everywhere he went he made new followers and new disciples, and those followers became part of a society called Pythagoreans. I also found it interesting that Pythagoras was very much against any type of politics. His society in Croton was actually very much affected by the political events happening in the city. A fact that I found was fun was that he built many schools in Europe and some of them are still standing today. That means that they have survived thousands of

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