Purtianism Struggles as a Religion

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Puritanism...The Ambiguous Religion

The Puritan religion is no exception to the fact that life is full of contradictions. In the minds of the Puritan people they are God's "chosen" people. This belief was pulled from a scripture in the Bible. They assumed themselves as better or above the average man. After much research and trial an error there were many inconsistencies found in the puritan religion.

Many of the Puritan's beliefs are valid, while others would strike today's society as outrageous. Most Puritans believe that God was the only way to heaven and that his grace could not be earned. They believed that a select few were chosen at birth to go to Heaven. These select few could live their lives however they contented, yet still being allowed to go to Heaven. God would determine each individual's destiny and no man could influence or change his providence. Man will either receive redemption or condemnation, regardless of how "good" or "bad" the individual lived their life.

This religion could easily be compared to the failures of Communism. In that no matter how hard a person worked, how devoted to church they were, or how pious a person was, there was no way into Heaven. The only way in was by being a "chosen" one. Some of the Puritan's other contemptible beliefs include the degradation of one's self, the utter and total dependence on divine grace for salvation, and the wrath of an angry God. A non forgiving God was worshipped by the Puritan people. He was greatly feared by the people who tried feverishly to make themselves worthy of his grace in his eyes.

Although the Puritan people knew that they chosen few were the only ones going to Heaven, they still strove to be good people. Their live styl...

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... live it, but in a way that if you are truly a Christian then you have all the freedom that you need. All the "bad" things will not appeal to you. All humans are born sinners, but I believe that you have the power to control your sin.

In conclusion, I think that Puritanism was a religion that was almost impossible for human beings to live by. They had no way of knowing whether they were going to be condemned or redeemed when they were laid to rest. Not knowing would make your life miserable and make you not want to believe. With Christianity you are guaranteed a place in Heaven as long as you commit and accept God as your Savior and Lord. You are not chosen at birth, each and every person is given the chance to go to Heaven. Your destiny rests in your hands as well as God's with Christianity. In my opinion that is what made Puritanism fail as a religion.

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