Puppy Mills Should Be Banned

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Most of the animals you buy at pet stores come from some type of mill. We all have had a "aw mom can we get it?" Phase right? But I'm sure what you haven't been told is that in order for these animals to get where they are, they're put through an awful lot. Animals are cute and loveable creatures and have a heart just like us, they don't deserve to be put through so much. If everyone came together and stopped buying pets from these stores and putting an end to these mills then we could find a new way to reproduce animals and buy them. Animals deserve to have and live a better life than what they are living in now. Puppy Mills should be banned for good. First off, why harm such a cute and innocent animal just to get the money you're getting …show more content…

Huffington Post says that "There are an estimated 2.1 million puppies sold through puppy mills each year, while an estimated 2.4 million healthy, adoptable animals are euthanized in shelters annually." Local pet stores usually sell you the dogs that they have received from puppy mills. Animals from mills are hurt and traumatized daily, they aren’t provided much food or water and are all stuffed together in a couple cages which consists of many other breeds of dogs. Puppy mills breed small dogs with big dogs which can result in death, illness or can cause the puppies to be born with problems. According to aspca.org, just because a store or business shows you a license or papers for the dog doesn't mean the puppies haven't came from a mill. It also mentions that responsible breeders would want a puppy to go to a safe and loving home, and often times want to meet the family that the puppy is going to live with. However, as long as they are making money, pet stores and mills really don't care what kind of living condition or home the puppy is going to. Although there are benefits to having a mill they shouldn’t be allowed all the time. Mills help keep pet stores in business, without being supplied with puppies or other animals they wouldn’t have much of a business and wouldn’t be able to make enough money to help the store, but why not just wait and let nature do its job? Animals and humans are brought into this world to reproduce and when they're ready they will. God put them on this earth for a reason and to bring joy and love to people, we should do our best to keep them safe and treat animals with love.. not harm. Animals shouldn’t be forced to breed at any cost, that’s like sitting two people in a room and giving them no choice but to reproduce. Animals should be treated just like

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