Public Shaming In Nathaniel Hawthorne's Growing Up In A Society

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There are people that believe public shaming is the answer for disciplining and proving a point to their children. The truth is, public shaming is not the answer. Humiliating a person in public for various reasons is unethical. Public shaming can lead to self-esteem issues, suicide, and in regards to punishment parents should do so privately. To make a person wear a shirt or hold a sign at a busy street corner that has what they did written on it is humiliating. Enduring a punishment like that takes a toll on a child physiologically. Being humiliated in public lowers a person’s self-esteem tremendously, especially teens since many are struggling to be confident in their own skin and are unsure of whom they are as a person. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, …show more content…

Many children are ridiculed and bullied via social media pages such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. They are publically shamed for various reasons some being considered not popular, promiscuous, or homosexual. They receive messages and are included in posts or tweets that target them for who they are. Others who see these posts can take part in commenting and ganging up on the individual. On ABC News most recently, teen girls have targeted others by posting “silly photos of themselves then altered to include blunt advice to each other, about things like how to dress more appropriately.” Today the person being targeted eventually commits suicide because the humiliation becomes unbearable. To shame a person to death is unacceptable, it is their right to be who they are without being judged. Society and the people within need to worry about their own …show more content…

Once a picture or video is posted, it is out for the world to see forever. Posting a shaming video can come and haunt the child as they grow up depending on the severity of what they did. Many colleges and job centers search who they are about to admit or hire to see what kind of person they are and if they see a video of them being punished and they hear what they did it can change their perspective of them. Many people do not understand that what they post is on the Internet forever and anyone has access to it. Ultimately these public shaming videos that are made to prove a point can end up ruining a child’s future. People today post information that is inappropriate and they do not realize that it can be intercepted by anyone. A parent needs to discipline their child privately, it is not anyone else’s business of why your child is being punished or what they have done. To potentially ruin their chances of getting into a college or getting a job because of a video that was posted of what they did as a kid is wrong. In recent events, a man is shamed and even loses his job because he publicly shames John Boehner by making a bad joke about him. The tables turned quickly and his joke had him be the target of shaming on social media. Still to this day he has not been able to find a job because employers

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