Public School vs. Homeschool For the ADD Child

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Homes schooling versus public schooling is a difficult decision when deciding what would be most beneficial for a child with a developmental disorder like Attention Deficit Disorder. The contrasts of home schooling to public schooling are in structure, socializing and behavioral expectations. These areas are often the core issues that a child with A.D.D. in the public school system will struggle with. Although home schooling does offer flexible structure it does not allow for as many social opportunities nor does it allow room for the child to meet the behavioral expectations of many other authority figures.

The structure in a classroom requires a child to be attentive and adapt to the situation presented. This can be frustrating for an A.D.D. child, but it is a necessary life skill that needs to be developed and will be helpful for the child to succeed as an adult. A class room setting tends to be a little chaotic and loud at times in contrast with the quiet calm environment of the home with one to one attention. Through my experience with home schooling my son found the l...

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