Public Policy Advocacy Paper

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Unfortunately, many children experience child abuse and neglect from their parents or other family members. The effects child abuse and neglect has on children are long term and impact their future. There are many types of child abuse and signs that may indicate a child is experiencing more than one type of child abuse.The signs of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse are the most obvious. Unexplained burns, cuts, bruises, welts in the shape of objects, bite marks, antisocial behavior, problems in school, and fear of adults are all signs that a child might be experiencing physical abuse. Signs of sexual abuse include inappropriate interest or knowledge of sexual acts, nightmares and bed-wetting, drastic changes in appetite, overcompliance …show more content…

When a professional is doing their job as an advocate they transmit the importance the field of early childhood education has. Every teacher can become an advocate, it is just a matter of taking a few steps. To become an advocate, a teacher should first make a personal commitment, maintain informed, know the process, express their views, let others know, be visible, show appreciation, watch the implementation, built rapport and trust, and educate their legislators. There are three different types of advocacy teachers can adopt as professionals. The three different types of advocacy are personal advocacy, public policy advocacy, and private-sector advocacy. Personal advocacy involves sharing personal views and philosophies with others such as parents. Influencing public policies and practices so that they are more responsive to children occurs when professionals participate in public policy advocacy. Private-sector advocacy actually involves changing privacy policies to better support children, families, and other teachers. In comparison, all three types of advocacy work towards supporting children. I do not participate in any of these types of advocacy, but would like to do so when I have a job in this area of …show more content…

My five year plan is to get a diploma in early childhood education and medical office administration. I would also like to get some sort of educational achievement in art that will allow me to make art for others. I have chosen this plan because it fits my personality. I enjoy and love being around kids, like the medical field, and love art. I could have a job in a pediatrician's office where I see young children on a daily basis and if a room needed to be painted I could do the painting. In order to achieve these goals I need to focus on what I can do now and take advantage of opportunities. I have been taking art classes ever since I started high school to meet my art goal. I am now a senior and I decided to take this summer online course, just in case I could not get into the early childhood education program offered at my school. I did not want to graduate high school without having any knowledge about early childhood education. I think this is a huge step in working towards getting my early childhood diploma. During the course of my high school career, I have also taken classes within the health science field and will be taking two classes required to get a diploma in medical office administration. As of right now I am not working but have tried applying for a job in a day

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