Pt-Centeredness Essay

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Origin & Definition of pt-centeredness
Enid Balint is the first who described the term "Patient-centered medicine" in 1969. He emphasized on that patients should be understood as a unique human being while the illness is an incident or part of them that is better understood within the patient whole context [1].
After origin, patient-centeredness or patient-centered care (PC) has been studied for several decades. Numerous definitions have been evolved but unfortunately, we still lack a universal definition of patient-centeredness [2]. Research has shown that reliable PC definition is through the patient's eyes [3]. Most PC concepts are based largely on Picker Institute’s eight principles. In 1986, research conducted by Harvard School of Medicine, …show more content…

Institute for Patient and Family-Centered Care (PFCC) adopted a broader concept by adding family centeredness as well, it claims that PC is not sufficient to adequately describe the institute innovative approach to healthcare "an innovative approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care providers, patients, and families. Patient- and family-centered care applies to patients of all ages, and it may be practiced in any health care setting" [2, 7]
IAPO, PFCC and others adopted more or less similar principles as Pickers' with more emphasis on patient empowerment and participation in health system [2, 7, 8]. Patient perspectives actually differ according to care setting, culture, and illness ??. Large amounts of literature has been conducted to listen to patients' voices and their expectations in defined settings.
As time went

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