Psychology Of Dreams Research Paper

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Why do we dream? How do dreams provide insight into the mind? Are dreams relevant to waking life? “Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the action stems the dream again, and this interdependence produces the highest form of living (Nin).” Dreams can be defined as, “...a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings, that are experienced by the mind during sleep.” On average an adults get about seven to eight hours of sleep a night,a substantial amount of human kinds time is spent asleep. If a person lives a total of 90 years they will have slept for 31 years, 1,624 weeks, 272,910 hours, and will have dreamt for 34,114 hours, so a massive chunk of humanities lives are spent in the sleep cycle.
There are five stages to the sleep cycle, the …show more content…

This is the lightest stage of sleep, which means you are somewhat alert and can be easily woken. It is during this stage of sleep that people often indulge in cat naps.”Stage two is also fairly light,”the brain produces sudden increases in frequencies called sleep spindles.” sleep spindles can be described as,”sudden burst of oscillatory brain activity generated in the …show more content…

Sigmund believed that,”when we explain our behaviors to others or ourselves, we rarely give a true account of what really happened.” This statement is not because mankind is an intentional deceiver but because we are more adapt to self-deception rather than deception as a whole,”our rationalizations of conduct are therefore disguising the real reason.” Freud’s entire life was dedicated to,”find ways of penetrating this often subtle and elaborate camouflage that obscures the hidden structure and processes of personality.” Freud would typically encourage his patients to talk to him about their symptoms and tell him exactly what was on their mind,this evaluation of a person can also be referred to as psychoanalysis or the talking cure. The case of Anna O was the turning point of Freud’s future in the field of psychology. Anna suffered from hysteria,“a condition in which the patient exhibits physical symptoms such as: paralysis, convulsions, hallucinations, and loss of speech.” Josef Breuer succeeded in treating anna by helping her remember forgotten memories of traumatic events. Anna’s fear of drinking became apparent when she expressed that she,”had developed a fear of drinking when a dog

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