Psychological Stress In African American Women

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came up against the post intervention at baseline (2014). A longitudinal study was done by Cornelius etal. (2003) they conducted a study to see if psychological stress is associated with flares in people who have lupus, tested by clinical laboratory parameters. In this particular study the researchers followed 41 female patients that had lupus over a period of months. They found out in this study that psychological stress is related with flares in SLE patients. Kozora etal. (2005) 50% of patients with SLE have little chance of progressing any form of psychological distress, instead the central nervous system involvement, can be compounding systematic problems and different treatments can effect one’s compared to chronic illness .Most …show more content…

African American women report more frequent encounters with everyday unfair treatment than Caucasian women. African American women who live in the city report a greater number of acute life events as stressors divorce, marriage, job loss, etc. than Caucasian women. It’s no surprise that socioeconomic status, everyday experiences and acute life events each make a significant contribution to differences in women’s health status. Stresses in African American women have been known to be a major factor when it comes to health and emotional wellbeing of black women’s Townsend etal. (2007). Stress in African American women can be brought on by several factors such as having the role as a mother, being a caretaker, and just being head of the household holding down a job so you handle the bills. Studies have showed that many black women have increased health issues. Many black women encounter more negative symptoms when it comes to stress such as stomach aches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, eating issues, and depression, all of these symptoms can lead a women into major health issues (2007). A study was performed to measure stress, depression, and different coping mechanisms to help them handle high levels of stress that may come with being and African American women (2007). They found that stress and mental health in the current sample provides a better reasoning for this study. The researcher also gathered information that stress could be a strategy for several health issues that may influence African American women population. In conducting their study depression was looked at to be compared to emotion focused and different problem coping skills. The researcher gathered from the overall study that teaching black women more emotion focused and problem coping strategies it could possible help lessen

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