Psychological Problems Of The Homeless Essay

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“The Psychological Problems of the Homeless” According to “The State of Homelessness In America”, there were about 600,000 homeless people in America in the year of 2014. These are the people that are sleeping outside, in emergency shelters, or in transitional housing programs. Who are these people some might wonder? Most of the homeless people in America are in fact veterans, poor people, and even those who are unemployed and can no longer afford living expenses. There are multiple causes that could lead to any American to become homeless. The National Alliance on Mental Illness recorded that, “Approximately 26 percent of homeless adults staying in shelters live with serious mental illness and an estimated 46 percent live with severe mental illness and/or substance use disorders”. To get a better understanding of this statement I will …show more content…

The numbers of homeless individuals will drop, if we can work together on welcoming them the way they need it. Treatment for mental problems can be seen and assist to, and not just left untreated. Those that are struggling because of unemployment can work on finding and receiving new jobs. Although this will take time we just have the think of it as a step-ladder, the higher you are gives you a better chance of reaching that object you need. That object can be a home, job, family who will care for you when you need it, and also the ability to overcome that illness one might be troubled by. Next time you see a homeless person sitting outside, stop and speak do not just pretend like you cannot see them. If they ask for money and you do not feel confrontable with giving them money just tells them, and offer then perhaps a meal instead. Those of us that do feel like handing money to them will help, we cannot torcher them on how they better not buy drugs or alcohol with the money. We just have to do what we can so the numbers can

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