Psychological Manipulation In Abner's Barn Burning

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There is an abundant amount of social injustices in our society today. Often people get stuck in these social issues which can range from race and religion all the way to sexual orientation. In the book “Barn Burning”, Abner is this an insane abusive man that only has one desire; burning barns. He uses his family to get exactly what he wants and makes them suffer the consequences of his obsession. Just like in our world today, psychological manipulation is distributed from abner’s character in the book due to his awful past. In our world today, both men and women abuse their powers when the have the authority to do so. Reality maps says, “...some men and women have a human failing that drives them to want to manipulate others for the sake of power. That manipulation has enslaved humanity throughout most of its history, and still …show more content…

Childhood Trauma Recovery states,“The effects of having been significantly manipulated by a parent in early life can have serious negative consequences in terms of our emotional development ; these consequences may be very long -lasting.” The majority of children are left altered by their parents demanding requests and hostile attitudes. However in Barn Burning, Sarty is a nice, sympathetic boy who knows that burning barns and lying about it isn’t right. Although studies have stated that psychological manipulation has ongoing effects for the victim, sarty has defied these standards. He does exactly what he thinks is right and isn't affected by his father's actions. Sarty obtains a sense of empathy for his father near the end of the story when he saw Mr. de Spain treat him with contempt. He realizes that there might be more to his father than meets the eye. Children are affected by the implications of parents’ actions however, Sarty was a strong individual and character who found the light in all the darkened sounding

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