Psychological Influences Essay

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There are many psychological factors that can influence you throughout your life. Your genetics, environment, parents, peers, and society have influenced you every day since you were born. Each person is made an individual due to the different experiences in life. Your daily life constantly bombards you with stimulus that shapes you and your personality. In this paper, I will be discussing what psychological influences have affected me. This will include my childhood and how it made effects me today, the psychological personalities I currently have, and what changes I’d like to make for the future. My parents were the main influence on my life as a child. Their parenting style and choices made me who I am today. There are four different generals …show more content…

In the past it was thought that either your environment or your genetics determined what kind of person you would grow to be. Now it’s now know that the theory isn’t so black and white, but has lots of grey area. Both my genes and my environment influence me equally. My genetics, or nature, have given me my athletic ability, quirky sense of humor, blue eyes, pale skin, my ability to easily memorize things, and many other traits. My cynical outlook, taste in music, extreme dislike of strong cinnamon flavors, and mostly quiet personality type are just a few characteristics that are an outcome of my environment, or nurture. I received my heredity from my parents, but my environment has helped determine what I do with those traits. Society and its roles have also impacted my personality. A gender stereotype is an extreme and often untrue belief of how a certain gender is expected to act (Rathus, 2010). There are many stereotypes that society places on women. They are expected to be more emotional, want to share feelings, and either stay home to clean, cook, and care for the children or have similar jobs out in the work forces (Rathus, 2010). Although I do fall under the category of being more emotional, it is not to an extreme. I strongly dislike the stereotype of women being stay at home moms. Growing up, my mother would tell me stories of how she had to work diligently to get the things she wanted …show more content…

I’m impacted by anxiety, as most people are, from one time to another. I feel intense anxiety when speaking in front of people or when large crowds surround me. I also feel lesser anxiety before soccer/volleyball games or before tests. These anxieties are most likely caused by subconscious stressful thoughts. I have phobias as well. A phobia is “a persistent excessive or irrational fear of a particular object or situation” (Rathus, 2010). I’m plagued by acrophobia, which is a fear of heights. I feel for certain that I’m going to fall off high places unless I’m securely fastened to a rollercoaster seat with a giant harness. I also have taphophobia, the fear of being buried alive, and social phobia, a fear that I will be humiliated and embarrassed in front of many people (Rathus, 2010). These fears are very unlikely to harm me, but my paranoia still plagues me with images from television and movies. There are many characteristics that can be used to define a personality. Usually the characteristics come in pairs of opposites. One example is introversion and extroversion. Introverts are people who tend to look inward for thoughts and creativity. Generally they are quieter and more self-oriented. Extroverts are active, self-expressive, and enjoy being socially and the presence of other people (Rathus, 2010). These two categories don’t have to black and white, and they aren’t in my case. I’m dominantly an

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