Psychological Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa

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Eating disorders are defined as any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. Eating disorders are serious problems that can result in poor health and psychological issues. Anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating are severe psychological disorders that can be detrimental to one’s mental and physical stature. Anorexia Nervosa is an extreme fear of becoming overweight, and it leads to excessive dieting to the point of serious ill health and sometimes death. Anorexia Nervosa is rampantly seen in young woman and young men. Anorexia can lead to other psychological diseases like perfectionism and depression, and is related with starvation. People who have Anorexia are said to weigh 85% less than other …show more content…

Many different things can influence anorexia such as: the media and celebrities because of the image that celebrities pose as super skinny, Whether or not your family has a history of anorexia, if you play athletics you have a higher risk, but being a young female is the trait that is the most risk full to having Anorexia. There are physical, behavioral, and emotional symptoms for Anorexia. The Physical symptoms for Anorexia are severe weight loss, brittle bones, balding, and lightheadedness. The behavioral symptoms that people who have anorexia are diet fluctuation, lessened social activity, fear of gaining fat, extreme amounts exercise, and a fixation with food and weight. The emotional symptoms of Anorexia are anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Anorexia treatment varies on the severity of the case. If it is an extreme case patient may have to be sent to the hospital to treat starvation, dehydration, and any other illness’ this has provoked. For a patient that isn’t as severe and does not have a life threatening …show more content…

Since patients are averagely sized humans most of the purging and massive eating is done covertly which leads to many cases going unnoticed and not helped. It is hypothesized that roughly 1 out of 4 young women will have bulimia at a point in their life (“Psychology Today,” n.d.). Symptoms of bulimia include binge eating, feeling that one cannot stop eating, purging behaviors, and that physical appearance means a lot to one. Physical symptoms include inflamed and swollen throat parts, wearing down of tooth enamel from stomach acid, and organ failure from excessive and lack of nutrients. Bulimia can be caused by a change of emotion, prolonged stress, and dieting. This change makes a person want to binge eat, but then the person feels bad about all this eating, thus leading to the purging which makes one feel better about themselves. Like Anorexia, the modern day culture of skinny models and celebrities influences both men and women to have that look. If your family is linked to having relatives with bulimia than you are at a higher risk. Traits such as

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