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Psychokinesis, a form of psi, meaning that apparently it is a technique of mind

over matter through invisible means. Examples of PK are movements of objects,

bending of metals, and determining the outcome of events. It can occur

spontaneously and deliberately which indicates it is both an unconscious and

conscious process.


The term psychokinesis is derived from the Greek words psyche meaning "breath,"

"life," or "soul," and kinein meaning "to move." The occurrences of PK have been

recorded since ancient times. The occurrences include levitation, miraculous

healings, luminosities, apports, and other physical phenomena attributed to holy

persons and adepts of magic around the world. Such phenomena is recorded in the

Bible, especially in the New Testament, in the Book of Acts. One example is

cited in which St. Paul and Silas where imprisoned in Ephesus where they prayed

and sung hymns, and at midnight their shackles fell off as the prison doors

swung opened (Acts 16:19-40).

It is thought that possibly magic spells, curses, and rituals to control the

weather may involve PK. The use of the evil eye has been placed within this


Manifestations of PK have occurred in spiritualism such as alleged

materializations and dematerializations, apports, levitations, table-tipping,

raps, and the appearances of ectoplasm and pseudopods. One 19th century D. D.

Holmes was known for his ability to levitate and to handle hot coals without

being burned. But, also during this time, there were individuals known as

"electric people" who experienced a"high-voltage syndrome". They made knives and

forks cling to their skin, and with a touch could send furniture flyi...

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...rmine the

existence of retroactive PK, or "retro-PK" where subjects try to influence an

event such as a sequence of numbers as produced by a random event generator. The

subjects try after the event has happened. However, it is impossible to rule out

the possibility of the PK effect being unconsciously exerted by the subject or

the experimenter on the generator during the number selection.

Although PK is not generally acknowledged by scientists, many parapsychologists

believe that well-controlled experiments have established its existence. Thus

far laboratory tests have not established this exclusively. Results on the whole

have been insignificant. But, the greater potential, many believe, that PK

testing will open up wider capacities for mental ability. A.G.H.


Sources: 29, Gertrude Schmeidler, The City College, New York, 61.

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