Psycho-Diagnostic Assessment

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psychodiagnosis [si″ko-di″ag-no´sis] the diagnostic use of psychologic testing. 2003 by Saunders, . psy•cho•di•ag•no•sis (sī'kō-dī'ag-nō'sis),
• Any method used to discover the factors that underlie behavior, especially maladjusted or abnormal behavior.
• A subspecialty within clinical psychology that emphasizes the use of psychological tests and techniques for assessing Psychopathology (Farlex2012).
Etymology: Gk, psyche, mind, dia + gnosis, knowledge the study of a personality through observations of behavior and mannerisms combined with various tests (Elsevier2009).
What are they? A psycho-diagnostic assessment is a type of psychological measurement, using psychological tests, observation, interviews, and collateral information when needed. These assessments facilitate individual clients and psychologists alike to figure out “what the problem is”, and thereby determine the most appropriate course of action. They can also be helpful for other practitioners and professionals to obtained an informed understanding of the given individual, in order to offer a tailor-made and collaborative approach to treatment and services. (Dr. Batra2011)
In addition to this, a psycho-diagnostic assessment aims to: Answer diagnostic questions and make decisions.
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The Weschsler series involves three tests covering roughly three age groups: the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III), the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV (WISC-IV), and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale for Infants-III (WPPSI-III). In the WAIS-III, various subtests are grouped into verbal and performance areas and, in addition, four index scores can also be derived. These index scores reflect what are called Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, Working Memory, and

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