Psychiatry Personal Statement

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I entered medical school with the intention to specialize and work as a General Surgeon.
As the years passed by I was interested in human psychology but it wasn’t until I saw a young male handcuffed and escorted by the Police arrested for committing a horrendous crime of stabbing his mother to death and was at the hospital to have his mental status assessed. The juvenile was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. That was a turning point in my life and I was obsessed to find out more about human behavior and neuroscience. It interested me to dig deeper into matters that cause our behavior to deviate from the social norms and factors that affect us in the long run. It was at this moment that I wanted to pursue Psychiatry as my career.
Due to some financial …show more content…

Not only am I a skilled communicator but also an effective messenger passing off information from my seniors to the men that were under my supervision, making sure that all the safety protocols were being followed at all time. This has not only helped my leadership skills but also trained me to become an excellent listener. These abilities shall help me through my residency in Psychiatry and I am determined and willing to handle all that I shall face during my intense training in that field.
To work in an environment where there is constant advancements in the field of
Psychiatry, based on years of research and an unparalleled patient care led me to search for a Psychiatric residency in USA knowing that it would not only give me an opportunity to learn and work as a team but also strengthen my clinical skills, bringing enthusiasm, dedication and professionalism to the work and contributing to the field of
Psychiatry in terms of patient care and clinical advancements.
In addition to clinical Psychiatry I want research to be a part of my learning process. I am interested in a Psychiatry residency program with a diverse patient population and a challenging, stimulating work

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