Protests In Venezuela

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Introduction: It’s been several years since Venezuelans complained about the economic and social problems the country faces every day. In January 2014 students started protesting about the criminality and violence that occurs every day. But it wasn’t until February 12th, where three people have been killed, that the protests became serious and were acknowledged worldwide. Maduro has been in power for 11 months since Chavez’s death, and these protests are the biggest he has ever had to face. These protests are being held between the officials, which are the government and its military forces, and the opposition, which are the students lead by Leopoldo Lopez. Being the opposition leader, Leopold Lopez was accounted for organizing all the protests that have recently taken place in Venezuela. Indeed, he has been arrested with charges of terrorism and murder; however, these charges have been changed to conspiracy counts and government threat. What it started as a peaceful protest of students demanding more security and economic stability in Venezuela became to be a massacre of innocent young people fighting for a peaceful environment. The opposition and outsiders are blaming the officials and former president Maduro for the protests whereas the government is blaming the opposition for starting the riots and the United States for destabilizing Venezuela’s government. When the protests started, Venezuela caught three US diplomats and accused them of attempting to boycott the government. These, were immediately sent back to the United States. Obama says these accusations are false and that the government is pointing fingers to others instead of declaring their own faults. As the government tries to blame others for their actions, Venez... ... middle of paper ... ... have businesses situated in Venezuela that are losing all of the production and money. This may cause the foreign countries’ businesses that depend on Venezuela to close down decreasing wealth and causing unemployment. In the group’s opinion, the government should start thinking about the citizens’ demands and making selfish decisions because what really makes a country work is if there is harmony between the citizens and its government. As for now, Venezuela should have new elections because, by looking at what is happening to Venezuela, one may think that the previous elections may have been corrupt. Moreover, instead of investing money on military forces, Maduro should start thinking about redirecting the economy and Venezuela’s production because if the GDP continues to fall, the country will be found in a dead trap which may cause Venezuela to be bankrupt.

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