Protecting Our Children's Innocence: Fiction

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People today would never know what happened in the past if not for fiction. Fiction allows people to understand and relate to what happened before their days. Different fictional elements allow people to experience the emotions of a past event in a variety of ways, to make them feel like they too experienced the event. Fiction can reflect reality by expressing a common theme through descriptive elements, dialogue, and relating past events to the current time. Fiction can reflect reality by relating past events to present time. In “Protecting Our Children’s Innocence” the author points out “. . . our world today too often steals the innocence of our children.” This helps to compare the innocence of children throughout being lost, as well as today’s children. If the community works together, they, “. . . can protect and reclaim the lost innocence. . .” of their children. By joining together, people can save the children of today, unlike they did during the holocaust. By relating past events to present time, fiction can reflect reality. …show more content…

In the movie Life Is Beautiful, Guido, the main character, tries to protect his son’s innocence by telling him they are “. . . going to have a great time!” in the Nazi concentration camps. This shows that through dialogue, the audience is able to understand the reality of what went on and how people reacted. Guido also tells his son, “. . . there’s a big prize. . .” and he can see his mom “When the game’s over,” to keep his son calm. This proves that fiction can reflect reality by expressing the troubles adults went through to protect their children. Through dialogue, fiction reflects

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