Pros And Cons Of Prostitution

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Prostitution is the occupation that involves sexual intercourse for the sake of payment, there is generally a negative stigma around it, but is it all bad? Prostitutes work in this area usually for the profit, they’ll flaunt their sexual charms and give the best service they can offer. Considering a prostitute’s financial standing, the social class they’re in and the state their home is in, prostitution was their next best trump card in making their life a bit more sustainable. Women are taken advantage of in this case and there’s some shady practices that can occur, but the women risk the state of their womanhood to gain pleasure and profit. In the end, this could lead to more success or a woman in a broken down emotional state.
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Women are violated and could be overruled by a male pimp which could lead to heated disputes between the prostitute and pimp, or there could be cases where a prostitute is exploited financially. Sexism occurs, due to the position female prostitutes are pushed to put themselves in, people will look down on them in disgust and question their sexuality, placing them in a category of discrimination. To illustrate, Satz considers that prostitution has promoted the negative image of women “shapes and influences the way women as a whole are seen”. (Satz 1995: 79) Next, children are brought into the mix and they’re used as an outlet for sex and profit as well, and for the most part against their will. This is usually for business and wealth, and since children are more vulnerable to exploitation, especially if they’re poor, this frequent occurrence is not surprising. For instance, Lerner speculates that prostitutes and mistresses were often used by rulers as symbols of wealth and power, and this practice was then recognized by other men of wealth and status (Lerner 1986: 133). The poor were often forced to sell children, adding to the supply of labor for this purpose. Furthermore, as women’s social respectability and marriageability became tied to their chastity, “commercial prostitution came to be a social necessity for meeting the sexual needs of men”, (Lerner 1986:

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