Prostitution In Latin America Essay

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All countries are affected by prostitution, it can be an origin, transit or destination country. Less and more developed countries are involved. Europe is the most common long distance destination, and asia the most common long term origin. America instead is both a destination and an origin continent. Prostitution in Latin America has become a big problem, and continues increasing with time. The two main causes are lack of education (values, moral and sexual education in schools) and/or money. It involves many people, the fact that just in Spain, a 78% (12.180 people without counting the unidentified) of the local prostitution is from Latin America. In United States, 30% of the prostitution is performed by latin american women. The main countries affected by prostitution are brazil, paraguay, colombia, republic dominican, ecuador, cuba, puerto rico, méxico, guatemala, bolivia, venezuela and argentina. …show more content…

As a result of these discussions, in 1936, Law No. 12,331, called "social prophylaxis Act" which ends with the regulated prostitution, and causes an increase in clandestine prostitution. Between these two positions, reglamentarism and abolition, prostitution had a third approach, the anarchist movement, which based on the belief that what was needed was the total suppression of prostitution. They attacked causes of prostitution which they thought were: gender inequality, poverty, lack of education, marriage and idealization of motherhood. Causes all reaffirming the subordinate place of woman in Argentina. Clandestine prostitution is usually in an unstable and with lack of hygiene place. This causes the propagation of diseases between sex workers and clients for example, SIDA is an important issue in prostitution because some users refuse to use protection during the sexual

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