Pros And Consequences Of Taz Angels

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Everyone has different opinions on what is normal and what is not normal. Some people think giving junk food to their children is not normal and some people think that it is completely normal and okay. Some people think getting married at a young age is normal and some people don’t think it is okay to get married until you have your life together. We can never as a society judge someone by what they personally feel is right or wrong and there are many things that people will disagree on but what matters is what is morally right and sane. That is why we have laws and consequences for the things we do morally wrong like murder, rape, etc. What is considered normal now is having multiple kids; which I think is fine. However, a lot of people …show more content…

This man Taz promises girls money and fame to have sex with him. He pays for everything, it’s basically like having your own pimp but it is legal. Society, on the other hand, thinks it is disgusting and not right. Comments made by people such as “Well, if Trump is elected president, maybe he’ll enforce a law that prevents Taz and his Angels from breeding.” This type of madness must be stopped” Society found this so wrong that it did not even make it be a show. I personally feel that has to be the most disgusting thing and me truly myself find it not normal. There are a lot of shows that are already aired that should not be but this crosses every line and also gives young teens the wrong idea of life just like the jersey shore did. When I look back I laugh but all jokes aside in high school all I did was watch jersey shore and then one day I came to school looking like an orange Dorito because I thought it was cool. However, in the future, I feel as if this is going to be considered normal with the arguments being well gay marriage is legal and so is girls getting surgery to be boys but a man paying multiple girls to have sex with him is not okay? One of the Taz Angels girls even stated herself “You have to be desperate to be in that house. But that’s all I really have to say they’re not good people. They get you drunk and drugged up and violate you but I won’t press charges or anything some of it was consensual but they don’t respect anybody not even their own, but another Taz Angel says “A lot of people don’t understand our relationship to #Taz, or what #Sisterwives are,” read the post. “Taz is our king and yes we all share him, the way I look at it is we rather have a quarter of a real n**** than a whole F*** n****, most ya b****** sharing ya man with ur best friend, ur neighbor, shit, even ur sister and don’t even know it… At the end of the day, it’s our life and we

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