Pros And Consequences Of Chinese Fatherhood

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The Chinese traditional values the father figure and sons to have a complete family. The figure 1 shows the huge role and value a father has in the family. The fatherhood is a famous tradition that has existed in Chinese tradition that gets passed from generation to generation (Lamb 228). The fatherhood tradition, has many prohibitions, for instance, the tradition prohibits a father seeking forgiveness to his sons among others. The father in Chinese traditions is the very noble person that should be above suspicion of committing errors it may offend the sons and the whole family. A situation is that a father has committed a crime, he should keep a low profile to avoid it being noticed to the sons and the family. The Chinese society has defined …show more content…

The impediments are mainly caused by the educational goals that result in the creation of fear of parents teaching their children more about Chinese traditions than the formal education. The fatherhood aspect gets passed from the father to the son, which translate to rites of passage from one generation to the next generation. A sad story associated with the fatherhood tradition is a drunkard and a drug-addict father seeking forgiveness from his sons to get acceptance back to the family. “The father had been excommunicated from the family and had to undergo therapy sessions to bring back his sanity (Shwalb et al. 162).” The opposite should have happened, and the sons had to seek father 's forgiveness and integrate him back to the family. The sons were not ready, but the aspect of father seeking forgiveness created a sense of togetherness and the importance of family values. “The fatherhood tradition is valuable and meaningful to the family since the lack of a father figure may lead to family disintegration (Lamb 235).” I call up my grandfather about that. He tells me more about the fatherhood tradition in the Chinese community. We around “What value of fatherhood tradition hold on Chinese community? How did the fatherhood tradition become a norm in Chinese community? What are the patterns of fatherhood tradition in Chinese society?” to discuss. The structured questions helped to validate the information of fatherhood aspect and its importance in holding strong bonds among the family

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