Underage Drinking: A Growing Societal Concern

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The topic of this argument is drinking underaged. Drinking underaged simply means consuming alcohol under the legal drinking age which is 21, not 18. Drinking underaged is important in society for the simple fact a lot of teenagers are doing it without thinking twice about it. Teens should definitely know what they are getting themselves into and the repercussions of them drinking. It should be a class on what drinking at an early age can do to age. A teenagers body hasn't even fully developed to even digest alcohol in the correct manner. It should definitely be illegal not only for 18 year olds to drink but adults who purchase it for them. If an adult purchase an alcoholic drink for a teenager and they have complications due to it, the adult should also face penalties just as much as the teen. Teens should wait until they know how to control themselves under the influence of alcohol and know their boundaries. This is very much relevant in today's society because underaged drinking is at an all time high. Teens are going out to parties with their friends and drinking without their parents even having a clue what they are up to. In today's society it's so easy to sneak and drink for the simple fact some stores don't even check I.D. If teenage drinking isn't stopped now it will only become a bigger problem as time …show more content…

The problem about that is no teen should be drinking period for the simple fact that the their bodies can't handle it the way they think. “lowering the drinking age would be harmful in two ways. Young people, those most likely to be harmed from drinking, will have greater access to alcohol” (Procon.org). Teens already are already most likely to cause problem without alcohol, so imagine them if alcohol was legal for them. Teenagers don't think of what the harm may be at the time until it's brought to their attention when they're

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