Pros And Cons Of The Space Race

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The Space Race was not a waste and was beneficial in many ways to Americans. It is often debated whether or not the Space Race was a waste. People have viewed it as a waste of time, money, and resources. Those people only see the disadvantages that it had. For example the expensive cost and abundant resources that came with sending a man to the moon. America spent over $25 billion on the space program and many believed that there were far more pressing matters down on Earth that they should not explore space (Space, 2015). However The Space Race was beneficial to mankind in various ways. The Space Race changed the face of science, international politics, and technology forever (Schefter 2005).
The Space Race began as a hasty response to an immediate crisis, the crisis that would have been brought up by the Soviet’s space triumphs. Winning the Space Race was imperative to American security. Winning the Space Race was equated with power in the world and impress other nations (Young, Silcock, & Dunn, 1969). America wanted to be dominant and more technologically advanced than other countries (Space Race, 2005). …show more content…

The Space Race supplied knowledge about space and allowed Americans to understand more about the expanse area beyond Earth. It was imperative to learn about the area around us because without being educated about our surroundings we become vulnerable and open to threats. With New satellites such as the Transit satellites Americans could now receive warning of hurricanes and storms as well as view forest fires and icebergs. The Space Race also brought the establishment of NASA in 1958 to oversee the space program and to make sure America won (Space, 2015). The knowledge that the Space Race provided helped accomplish many historic feats and eventually led a man to the

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