Pros And Cons Of The Singer Solution To World Poverty

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Not In Our World People are starving all over the world. They lack food, water, and basic medication. Some suggest that the wealthy should donate and do their part to help. Peter Singer, a professor of bioethics, wrote an article called “The Singer Solution to World Poverty” in The New York Times Magazine, in which he suggests that the prosperous people should donate all money not needed for the basic requirements of life. First, a pro to having prosperous people donate all money not needed for the basic requirements of life is that it could possibly end world hunger. Ending world hunger is a huge problem that many have tried to find a solution for. Another pro could be the advancement in oversea economies. With money, people that were once struggling could begin to start businesses and create innovation. A third pro could be creating a better environment for the world. If others begin to help overseas then we could create a world that can all rely on eachother. Hopefully, a world without hate. …show more content…

People would argue that they worked for that money so they deserve to keep it. Others would say that it’s an “every man for himself” world. Another con is that is may help oversea economies, but it would destroy ours. We use money to buy luxuries and use money to innovate. It wouldn’t make sense to destroy our economy to help aid theirs. Finally the third con is that the idea is just too good to be true. It would work like communism. Everyone would be equal. Everyone would get to eat. It’s a nice idea, but it would never work. Not everyone can get along and play nicely. People are selfish and greedy. It’s the same reason communism would never work. It may be ideal; however, the rich would never willingly give their money to people that they don’t know or care

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