Preserving the Second Amendment: A Necessity for American Safety

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We the people of the United States of America has the right to bare arms. So should the United States government abolish the right to own guns? The second amendment states, “ … Right to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Which means that all american citizens that meet the criteria to own firearms should and can obtain them legally. It is an outrage that our government is considering to abolish the second amendment because we as people needs to protect our families from terror, abolishing the second amendment will make the law-abiding citizens in America in a state of constant fear, Also, it will remove a large economic market.
To start with, families in America needs a firearm to protect them from all sorts of terror. One type of terror would be getting robbed or kidnapped. According to Ralph Shortey, “ Door-to-door salesmen and jewelry peddlers has the right to show their firearms.” Ralph continues, “ Nothing will stop a criminal faster than seeing a loaded gun at the hip.” (Shortey “Should people Be Allowed to Carry Guns Openly?”) …show more content…

Once the second amendment gets abolished the we have to turn in our firearms. That brings up a couple of questions. What is the Government gonna do with thousands of firearms and ammunition? Also, according to Ohio governor John Kasich, “ Gun violence is the fault of the individual, not the firearms itself.” Kasich continues to argue, “ Criminals would have access to guns even if they were illegal.” (Kasich “Gun Control Laws: Should the United States adopt stronger gun control laws.”) Criminals have access to the massive black market where you can buy anything illegal. Firearms to Illegal drugs and everything a criminal would want in between. If the Government makes our law abiding citizens give up their weapons, we the people of the United States would be at a disadvantage to criminals. This would make us Americans be at a state of constant

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