Pros And Cons Of School Shootings

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Licensed to Carry
Hand gun, Tasers, and pocket knifes; in a crisis these lifesaving devices are literally the differences between life and death. Safely, and securely millions of Americans are in possession of concealed weapons. Owned by law biding citizens, these weapons, hidden from public view, are not only protected by the Constitution giving all citizens the right to obtain and own them, but are able to limit gruesome and inhumane acts from occurring. Concealed weapons have had a drastic impact on the violent crime category. John Lott, owner of a doctorate from UCLA, presented statistics revealing armed citizens reduced homicides by 8.5%, aggravated assaults by 7%, rapes by 5%, and robberies by 3% (Pros). By responsible, right-minded, patriotic Americans owning guns, vicious crime rates have diminished. Leading us to wonder how much better the world would fare if the entire nation was armed with concealed weapons. The graph “More Guns, Less …show more content…

School shootings have the ability to be stopped. They are largely one of the worst repeated tragedies our great nation has endured, and they should be stopped today! No terrorist wants to go out in his/her infamous blaze of “glory” by failing in their attempt. Arming educators has the capability to end school shootings in this decade. “And I haven’t even touched upon the pure deterrent effect of a potential mass murderer having to worry one of his targets might be armed” (Concealed Weapons). This quote presents the very real possibility that just if teachers are armed, future shooters will reconsider and possibly not attempt it at all. Providing this overwhelming deterrent in the foremost thoughts of a would be murderer emphasizes the positive effect concealed weapons operated by teachers could

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