Pros And Cons Of School Segregation

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In 1954 the Supreme Court finally ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that separate but equal had no place in schools and it was unconstitutional. This landmark decision put an end to segregation. No one could have ever imagined that 60 years later, racial divides are back on the rise inside America’s very own public school’s classrooms. We have not achieved the goals of eliminating segregation and establishing educational equality because more money is spent on schools with the majority of the school population being white, minority students who are all placed in high poverty schools don't get the same access to opportunities as the children in regular schools, and private schools are simply too expensive and there is no way the lower-class …show more content…

Liz Dwyer author of the article 6 Shocking Facts About Public School Segregation states, “A 2012 study by the Center for American Progress found that public schools with student populations that are 90 percent or more white receive an average of $733 more per pupil. That’s 18 percent more per pupil than schools with 90 percent or more students of color receive” (Dwyer 7). After reading this to some people it may look like, well that's not a lot of money who cares if the white students get a little more at least we aren't taking away all the money. But if those minority schools were given that extra amount of cash. That could be enough to supply a student with a lunch or any other supplies that are needed to be successful. Another source of how much money is being taken away from these schools comes from the article titled Unequal Education author Ary Spatig-Amerikaner states, “Across the country schools spent $334 more on every white student than on every non-white student (Spatig-Amerikaner 13). Why do the school systems see students of minority groups less than any other normal white student? All this money that is taken out from these schools is having a detrimental effect on the student's performance when it comes to their academics. There is a reason the school systems are given a certain amount of money for each child. Because every student is different and they all have different …show more content…

In the Article, On The Anniversary Of Brown V. Board, New Evidence That U.S. Schools Are Resegregating author Emma Brown states, “High-poverty, majority-black and Hispanic schools were less likely to offer a full range of math and science courses than other schools (Brown 5). This can often result in unqualified teachers and materials that are not useful. Not having sufficient funds to have a normal running good school is the whole reason why many of those students don't succeed. Money is the number one factor in having a successful school system. If there's no money then there are no supplies, and if there are no supplies then how are they supposed to learn. Not only do the supplies matter but if there is no money then qualified teacher don't want to apply because they feel that if they go to the higher class schools then they will get the check they deserve. But the schools have to hire teachers so they just choose whoever and don't even care if that person actually has a passion for what they are going to teach. Another astonishing quote is from the article Unequal Education author Ary Spatig-Amerikaner states, “We spend $293 less per year on students in these heavily minority schools than on students in all other schools” (Spatig-Amerikaner 14). Thus showing the other school systems enabling the schools to have the necessary

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