Pros And Cons Of Plastic Surgery

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Plastic Surgery
“A face may make you look younger but it won’t necessarily improve your self-esteem.” Plastic surgery has been popular for young under-age people. Under-age people sometimes tend to have a low self-esteem level, so this gets their attention because they think it might improve their look. It might for short term but it has its consequences. Plastic surgery should be outlawed because if you're under 18 your body isn’t ready yet, you could have an allergic reaction, and you could get scars that never go away.

"Any doctor in Australia can put up a sign to say they are a cosmetic surgeon without any specialist training," Dr Flynn said." This is saying anyone could be a cosmetic surgeon if you believe them because do don't need
I think you should wait until you're older because your body is not done developing, and if you do it when you’re younger it may mess up your body in the long run because it was not done developing. Sometimes the doctors for this kind of procedure they are not very good at it and can be a few bad surgeons."The authors said adolescents "are a particularly vulnerable group" and suggested having a national database to track all cosmetic procedures done here." What they mean by "are a particularly vulnerable group" is that they are easy to make them want plastic surgery and that's all teens want is to look good and if they don't they want to change that then they go to get the procedure and don't think of what is going to happen or might happen. If you get plastic surgery there are risks and here some risks, cardiac arrests, infections, flesh eating bacteria, anaphylaxis, and even tuberculosis as a result of this kind of plastic surgery. These are just some of what could happen to you if you get plastic surgery, pretty life changing things. It would be better if you would just not put your life in danger or mess up your body or even your life. Don't get the surgery if your under age because if you don't like it there is no going back. There is a high chance that you won't like it and the future because if you're too young it will change your face forever, so your best solution is not to get plastic surgery. Research says that 35.7 percent of students that get plastic surgery have no idea of the risk. That's a large percentage because if you're ready to change your body when it's not done developing then maybe you should see what the risks are if something goes wrong. If smoking and drinking achohol is illegal for under age people then why shouldn’t plastic surgery be illegal for under age people? If 18 year olds are not

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